‘Act & Imagine’ will follow the Victorian school terms in their class schedules.

The first week of each year will be a trial class ( free of charge ), this class will be used to ensure we have allocated students to the correct class for their level of experience/ability.

‘ Act & Imagine’ will have an end of year performance evening! Stay tuned for exciting details!!


$15 per class or $150 per term ( based on 10 classes )

PLEASE NOTE- Term 1 only has 6 classes. The first class is free and it is a shorter term too 🙂
If paying for a full term you will receive a 10% discount = 1 FREE CLASS!!


If you do 3+ classes at the ‘The Factory’, for example a singing lesson with ‘ Red Door’, an acting class with ‘Act & Imagine’ + a dance class with ‘Red Door’- you will gain entry into the Triple Threat Program! You will receive ( for free!! ) workshops throughout the year, amazing performance opportunities and lots of other exclusive Factory bonuses! Not bad huh??

Pay for a Class. Pay for full term

$15.00 Add to cart

$75.00 Add to cart