I live in my own little world. But, it’s ok- they know me here.
December 18, 2016
I’ve been known to be a bit of an airy-fairy, starry-eyed, head in the clouds kind of gal.
I could dream an hour away, visioning myself far away from where I was, doing something that was out of the realms of possibility for a young girl living in Colac. I have had my Oscars acceptance speech down pat since I was 5, I could act out the entire scene- how I would receive the award from Brad Pitt with a dainty kiss, give Meryl Streep ( my pal ) the nod of recognition and glide from the stage to thundering applause + a standing ovation. You see- I have never had a problem escaping my reality.
If I had a dollar for everytime someone said ‘ Helloooo, earth to Georgie- come back to the real world’ or ‘ Stop day dreaming silly gal’- I would have paid for my ticket to Hollywood when I was 7. Get the picture? And now, looking back- I would LOVE to tell those killjoys to be, naff off! Or, more eloquently ‘ Please leave me alone, I am forging my identity and my future ‘kick butt’ demeanour through my epic imagination. I suggest you try it one day; it might cheer you up a little bit!’
To me, tapping into my imagination has always come naturally, and it has fueled my creativity and my determination to reach my goals. If you can imagine yourself doing something- why the hell can you not do it for real??
A developed and vigorous imagination does not make you a daydreamer or impractical. On the flip side, it bolsters your creative side and is a great tool for recreating and remodelling your world and life to how you dream it to be. When you know how to work with your imagination, you can make the strongest and most secret desires of your heart your reality.
We must recognise the power of the imagination, and let it run wild!
A lack of understanding of the strength of the imagination is responsible for the suffering, incompetence, whinging, failures and unhappiness people experience. For some reason, most people are inclined to think in a negative & ho-hum manner. They do not expect success. They expect the worst, and when they fail, they believe that fate is against them. Sorry, to burst your bubble but, this attitude can be changed- with a little bit of imagination, bravery and pixie dust!
Understanding how to tap into & harness your imagination will put you on the golden path, running towards the rainbow of a happy, fulfilled and authentic life!
Go forth and imagine your dreamy life! You beautiful person you!
BIG love,
Georgie Leersen
Chief- Act & Imagine